Facial surgery


We correct nasal deformities

Facial surgery


Breasts that balance and harmonise your body shape

What is rhinoplasty?

La rinoplastia es una intervención quirúrgica destinada a la corrección de deformaciones nasales mediante la modificación de su forma, lo que conlleva una mejora del equilibrio y la armonía facial. Esta técnica no solo busca resultados estéticos, sino también funcionales, respetando las necesidades y características individuales de cada paciente.

Cada rinoplastia es un caso único que debe evaluarse con detenimiento e individualizarse para ofrecer un tratamiento que responda a tus objetivos particulares. En este sentido, han surgido técnicas innovadoras como la rinoplastia ultrasónica, que utiliza un instrumento especializado para remodelar el hueso y el cartílago de forma precisa y menos traumática, reduciendo el riesgo de daño en los tejidos circundantes y acortando el tiempo de recuperación.

Otra técnica destacada es la rinoplastia de preservación, que se centra en mantener las estructuras naturales de la nariz, especialmente el dorso, modificándolas de manera estratégica para obtener resultados armónicos y naturales sin eliminar tejidos innecesarios. Esta técnica es ideal para pacientes que buscan un cambio sutil y conservador, preservando al máximo la anatomía original.

El aspecto estético definitivo de tu nariz tras la intervención seguirá una evolución gradual que puede llevar un tiempo no inferior a los seis meses, pero que ofrece resultados altamente satisfactorios, especialmente cuando se utilizan estas técnicas modernas y personalizadas.

What does the procedure involve?

We offer two methods to perform rhinoplasty:

  1. Closed rhinoplasty:
    This is the most common approach, carried out through incisions inside the nostrils, leaving no visible external scars. The surgeon reshapes the nasal bones and cartilage internally, sculpting a new nasal structure. In many cases, we use ultrasound to enhance the surgical outcome of the nasal dorsum or perform osteotomies.

    The skin and membranes then retract and adjust to achieve the desired shape.

2. Open rhinoplasty
Recommended for cases with a higher degree of deformity at the tip of the nose. By making incisions on the tip and dorsum, the surgeon gains direct access to the nasal structures.

This technique leaves a small scar at the base of the columella. In some cases, we also use ultrasound to optimise surgical outcomes or perform osteotomies.


Closed rhinoplasty

Open rhinoplasty


1-2 hours

2-3 hours


2-3 weeks*

2-3 weeks*




*There may be swelling and discomfort that will gradually subside.


Precise and controlled nasal reshaping.
Precise and controlled nasal reshaping.
Less trauma to nasal tissues.
Less trauma to nasal tissues.
Faster recovery time.
Faster recovery time.
Minimal pain and swelling.
Minimal pain and swelling.
Lower risk of bleeding.
Lower risk of bleeding.
Natural and long-lasting results.
Natural and long-lasting results.

Frequently asked questions

As with any surgery, your first consultation will assess the condition of your nose, breathing, and general health (illnesses, allergies, medications).

Preoperative tests are required, such as an ECG, full blood analysis, and chest X-ray. If there are any respiratory issues, we will conduct further tests with an ENT specialist. Of course, the specialist at Instituto Dra. Ana Torres will consider what you want to achieve with your nose and how you envision the final result.

Typically, you are admitted on the day of surgery and discharged the following morning. Although the procedure is complex, there is no risk preventing you from recovering at home.

It is essential to avoid wearing glasses or contact lenses during the first few weeks following surgery. Your doctor at Instituto Dra. Ana Torres will advise when it is safe to resume wearing them and provide additional postoperative care instructions.