Leave your insecurities behind, we correct protruding ears.
Breasts that balance and harmonise your body shape
What is otoplasty?
Protruding ears, commonly known as “bat ears,” can be a source of insecurity not only for children but also for adults, affecting their appearance and self-confidence.
At the Instituto Dra. Ana Torres, we offer a solution through otoplasty, which involves naturally reshaping the auricle using small instruments to reshape the cartilage. This is done by carefully scoring the cartilage and using sutures to achieve the desired shape, tailored to the specific needs of each patient.
In this procedure, the scar is hidden behind the auricle, making it virtually invisible, even with short or tied-up hair.
For children, it is advisable to perform otoplasty from the age of six.
What does the procedure involve?
Otoplasty is a surgery designed to correct protruding ears, which can often cause discomfort and a lack of confidence in patients.
Through small incisions behind the ears, we reshape the cartilage to bring the ears closer to the head, achieving a natural appearance and eliminating the protruding look.
It is ideal for enhancing facial harmony and self-esteem. The procedure is safe, and the scars are nearly invisible due to its minimally invasive nature.

1-3 hours
*There may be some swelling and discomfort that will gradually decrease in the hours and days following the procedure.
Frequently asked questions
This procedure is minimally invasive, making it an outpatient treatment that does not require hospitalisation. The recovery time is very short compared to more complex surgical procedures.
You will need to wear a bandage for 24 hours, followed by an elastic headband for a week. Once removed, your ears may show slight swelling, which will gradually subside over the following days and weeks until the final results are visible.
Sutures are typically removed after 7-8 days. During this time, you can wash your hair and carry on with your normal life. It is crucial to follow the specialist's instructions from the Instituto Dra. Ana Torres closely.
It is recommended to avoid wearing glasses during the first few weeks post-surgery, as they can put pressure on the ears and impact healing, potentially affecting the final outcome of the otoplasty.
Otoplasty may cause temporary discomfort or pain after the surgery, but the specialist at the Instituto Dra. Ana Torres will prescribe pain relief medication, making any pain minimal or even non-existent both during and after the procedure.
Otoplasty scars are typically hidden behind the ear, within the natural fold, making them hardly visible, even if you have short hair. Therefore, they are unlikely to be a concern for you.